Don’t Be Afraid Of Planning Your Wedding


Creating the perfect wedding takes a lot of effort, and many people feel the process of planning and putting together a wedding is beyond their skills, even with help from those who have planned weddings before. Having a great wedding can be a positive learning experience; however, if you keep a few things in mind. Here are some wedding tips.

When serving food at your wedding, the style that the food is served can vary the price. For a formal dining setting, it will be high price. If you go with a buffet style, you can save money, and allow your guests the options of picking what they want and how much they want.

Pick food for your wedding that YOU enjoy. Don’t worry about what your guests think, it’s your day to enjoy! The only thing you should consider, is if you were a vegetarian, then you should offer a few meat options to your guests and not force a tofurken on them.

Understand that the wedding ceremony is the most important part of the day and that the reception is just the celebration of this ceremony. Put a lot of thought into the readings that will be done at your wedding and where you would like to have your reception. This will optimize your overall experience.

The most important preparation for a wedding is to expect the unexpected. When it happens, laugh it off and let someone in your wedding party deal with it. No matter what it is, it will be resolved, and you’ll look back and laugh at it someday. Really, it’s true!

When picking a DJ for your wedding, make sure you choose someone with a great reputation. A bad DJ can ruin your reception, so ask any candidates for their references along with their fees. If a candidate has no references, mark him off the list immediately! If his references are all family, that’s another reason to give him the boot.

If you have your heart set on a destination wedding, make sure you choose the end location carefully. You’ll want to pick a place that is meaningful to both of you, but also consider how many people will be able to afford to join you. You may choose a location closer to home to ensure your family can be there.

A thoughtful gift for destination wedding guests to receive is a basket of vacation goodies delivered to them in their room. Useful items you will want to include would be tourist maps, sunglasses, hats, disposable cameras and brochures of fun places they could visit while in the area. It would be nice to also include a guide to local restaurants to make it easy for them to eat.

Which is more important, having a wedding in the small venue you love or having a ton of people in attendance? It can be a hard decision to make, but remember that it is your day and that no one will be so deeply hurt by not being able to come that they would want to ruin it for you.

Silk flowers can be a different variety of flowers you could choose for your wedding. You can avoid the hassle of wilted flowers and even make your purchase in advance, making them one less item to worry about on your big day.

Pictures involving children should be taken at the first opportunity. If you have the option to take pictures with them before the ceremony, do so and you can avoid mishaps that can cause dirty, torn or disheveled clothing. Children are children and you must consider this when the time for pictures arrives.

Do you want to do something different? Why not plan a wedding far away from home, perhaps on the location of your honey moon? Make sure all the important guests can afford the trip, or provide them with transportation. Traveling together can be a lot of fun, and your wedding will look more like a vacation than a ceremony.

For a destination wedding, start planning a year in advance. You will need to find out what kind of permit you need: language might be a problem if you are going abroad. You might need passports and visas too. Find caterers and other services in the area in advance to communicate with them as much as possible.

Make sure that you and your wedding photographer are on the same page. Avoid any after wedding disputes by knowing exactly how many proofs, contact sheets, prints and electronic pictures you will be receiving and how much the package will cost you. Get it in writing so that there are no misunderstandings later.

With the above new knowledge to help you, you can plan a great wedding — especially if you enlist the help of other people who can add their own knowledge to yours. Then, someday, when someone else you know and love is planning their wedding, you can offer up your own knowledge to help ease the process for them, including the great tips you just learned.