Tips And Ideas For Every Jewelry Lover


Human beings have been adorning themselves with bright and shiny objects for almost as long as civilization has existed. Jewelry can be simple adornment or it can signify any number of things. Jewelry can denote your position in society, a protection against evil, or membership to a society or clan. It can take the form of expensive gemstones, or be as simple as leather and bone.

Use a gentle dish soap to clean your jewelry. The soap you buy for your kitchen can be great for jewelry too. Just make sure you buy a gentle dish soap. Look for one that is suitable for use on your hands. That way, you can be sure it won’t damage the jewelry.

Vintage jewelry can actually make great fashion accessories. It doesn’t have to be your granny’s jewelry any longer. Make a statement piece by displaying a vintage necklace or a pair of vintage earrings. Vintage seems to be all the new rage and almost every store out there seems to be selling vintage inspired pieces. Why buy “inspired pieces” when you can buy the real thing for a fraction of the cost?

Try adding some industrial metals to your collection. There is more to metal jewelry than just gold and silver. Industrial metals include stainless steel, titanium, tungsten carbide and tungsten. Industrial metals provide a much nicer shine and are more durable and less susceptible to damage. Titanium is known for being more lightweight, stainless steel and can be polished until it practically glows. Tungsten carbide can resist scratches for a long time, as well as being a dark metal.

When choosing jewelry for an outfit, think about not only what color or colors your clothes are, but also what color your jewelry is. If you’re wearing a necklace on a silver chain, try to pair it with a silver ring or earrings with silver findings. Try to avoid mixing different colored metals unless you have a single piece, such as a watch, that combines both.

When wearing or buying jewelry, it is important to not go with anything large and flashy. I say this in literal terms, not as in “the diamond was so large.” This is because any jewelry like earrings or necklaces that are too large become gaudy and unattractive. It is best to stick to pieces that fit you and look right.

If you have a piece of jewelry that has a clasp that is broken there is no reason to throw it away because you can get it fixed. You can take it to a jewelry shop and have it repaired. You need to call the jewelry store going in so that you can be sure that they will fix jewelry regardless of where it was purchased.

When you are working with any kind of silver there is one word that you should always keep in mind – polish! If you polish your silver regularly it will keep it shiny and beautiful for much longer. This helps to extend the life of the piece as well as look newer for longer.

The jewelry looks great on you, but the allergic reaction it causes, does not. If this is a problem that you have faced, you may want to try using clear nail polish. This gives a protective barrier from the metals that could irritate your skin. You just put a coat of polish, on the area of the jewelry that is most likely to come in direct contact with your skin.

When making any type of jewelry purchase, first consider the amount in which you are looking to spend and then formulate the high and low end of your budgets. Once you go to a jewelry store, do not feel pressured to go over your budget regardless of how good the deal the jeweler is presenting to you. If it seems too good to be true, chances are it is.

When buying jewelry, make sure that you know the difference between the different types of silver available. Be aware that nickel silver and German silver do not actually contain any silver and they are only called silver because of the color. Sterling silver is the only real silver there is.

It is important that you tell if a diamond is real or not before buying it. You do not want to be stuck with a fake jewelry. The reflection of a real diamond manifests as a gray color. If the diamond’s reflection is a rainbow color, it is either low quality or fake.

Crowns, tiaras, necklaces, rings, and any other variety, it is all just jewelry and has been a part of human civilization for as long as can be remembered. While the styles and processes for making it have changed and some of the purposes changed, there is always the consistent purpose to jewelry, to adorn and beautify the human form.